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Taxi from Lyon

Your chauffeured service in Lyon

train Station and airport : taxi from lyon

Are you leaving or arriving in Lyon? you quickly wonder about how you can organize your trip. Our drivers are used to the train station and airport transfers. they will welcome you in the best of conditions. The welcome sign is included in our prices. Have the assurance of a successful transfer with VTC and Taxi Lyon by Trustline .

GNB: Grenoble Airport

Where to meet my driver at Part Dieu or other place?

Our drivers welcome you inside all stations and airports with a sign bearing your name. Everything is indicated on the order form and you will receive a reminder by SMS on the day of booking.






Private driver and TAXI

1-Do I need to book a taxi in advance?

We advise all our customers to book. By booking with a Lyon taxi, you are guaranteed to have a driver when you want and where you want. But above all to leave on time and have a well personalized service.

Book by sms call or on our website, you have a wide range of booking and transfer tracking tools. Then, you will receive a confirmation by email 24 hours before the transfer and by text message one hour before the pick-up. Click on the following link: book a taxi Lyon

2-What is the phone number of Taxi Lyon by Trustline?

Taxi Lyon par Trustline sur un numéro unique et rapide: 00334 69 96 90 69.

A taxi immediately and according to emergencies, we are also reachable on WhatsApp at this same number do not hesitate to register it.

3-Do you want to travel by Uber or Taxi from Lyon?

Uber being a company which puts in contact drivers vtc or taxi with customers then the good question would be VTC or TAXI. In all cases, we work with professional partners. They are VTC or TAXI, respecting our Charter in order to offer you a service to perfection.

4-I will need to pick up a guest at the airport

We are there to answer all your requests, a collaborator will be present at the exit of the Terminal defined with you before. In order to be in correlation with your guest, a signboard welcome will be provided by the driver. for any other type of concierge request we are there.